Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Session 2, Day 3

Happy Wednesday!  Hard to believe this journey is coming to an end, but Urban Rangers know why they say, "Time flies when you're having fun!"

In the courtyard...

beginning the day

the search for roly polies

chalk art

digging and discovering

chalk art

sun prints

sharing our nature journals

painting en plein air

more sun prints--these were so cool!

In the classroom...

demonstrating a roly poly project

counting legs and segmented body parts

so much happening here!  reading, chatting, and kumihimo!

t-shirt painting cont'd

Everyone is so engaged in whatever project they choose--everyday should be like this in school!

completed kumihimo!

This braiding method is so engaging across gender and age differences.  There is a tricky pattern that is repeated, which is frustrating at first, but once you get it, you get it!  And there's instant gratification in creating something so unique, in a short amount of time!

completed roly poly

working together

choosing colors


Another amazing day....looking forward to sharing our work and our beloved courtyard with families tomorrow!  
Hope to see you then!


  1. this week was so fun that Brian wants to go to this program

  2. Tell Brian he is an official Urban Ranger-in-training! We can't wait for him to join us. You and Chris are doing a great job preparing him! ;)
