Monday, July 20, 2015

Challenge #4

Welcome to Challenge #4!

Happy Monday!  It's hot out there today--hope you are finding creative ways to cool off!!  I remember (as a kid in the summer) the relief that usually came after a hot day in the form of thunderstorms--but sometimes, the storm just makes things worse! Hotter, more humid, and so so sticky!

Do you know why?  WHY is a question scientists and artists ask all the time--they wonder about everything.  In today's world, there are lots of ways to find answers to our questions, and it's especially important to remember to seek many answers, because there is rarely just one right answer to anything.  In science, something that is "right" or widely believed as true, can change over time as more is learned and more ways to find things out are created.  In art, "right" is when you create something unique--something that is yours, and because it's yours, it should tell a little something about who YOU are.

I'm not sure if we'll see thunderstorms today, but I am hoping for less sticky weather soon!

Challenge #4

This week, let's keep our eyes on the sky and observe clouds!  Clouds tell us a lot about the weather.  
Here is a cool link for answers to some of 
the "why's" about clouds:

Check it out for some background info, then take your nature journal outside for at least 4-5 consecutive days and really observe the clouds you see--and make note when you don't see them too!  Be sure to record the date, time of day, temperature, and some info describing the weather in words.

Take a long look at the clouds above, sketch and describe them in your journal.  After 4 days, look back on your entries--were there any patterns you notice?  can you make connections with the info online--or info you found somewhere else? how did the day's weather relate to the clouds you observed?

We will be doing this challenge too and will post what we discover--please post what you find too!

Check back on Wednesday for an update and a fun, easy science experiment you can try at home.  Have fun!!!

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