Thursday, July 16, 2015

Session 2: The End

This season of UR has certainly had it's ups & downs, but by far, the GREATS hold all the weight!  Last day is always bittersweet.  We wish we could have more time, and are amazed by all we did.  Wonderful groups of Rangers this year--an honor to work with all of you!  Families--we can't thank you enough for supporting this program, and especially for allowing us to borrow your precious kiddos.

Final highlights below from our last day.  Please enter your email to the right in order to receive updates on new posts.  We will be working on the blog and updating challenges all summer, so please check in!

Our days begin in the cafeteria as everyone arrives and some eat breakfast.  This has been a very chatty group--they love sharing stories and making connections to each other.  This pre-meeting gives us all time to transition to the "work" of Urban Rangers on a positive note.

Rangers from last week--we miss you!!!


Pokemon talk

kumihimo on their own--we couldn't love these Rangers more!!!

sharing a special find--possum bones!

UR homework--bracelet AND hair extensions--so creative!!!

our daily meeting--these Rangers could spend an hour sharing stories!  

Today was ALL courtyard...

mud painting
weaving our fence

**UR challenge:  what does the root word "centi-" mean and where did it originate? Hint: It's Greek or Latin!

planting marigolds

inside the UR hideout (aka the hut) for sunprints

creating chalk art

searching for roly polies

bug explorer

the living shoe

the hole--which became a sting ray by the end of the morning and included some pretty thorough measuring and planning by a pair of Rangers who also kept a worm count by banging on the tin can with every find--18, 22, 34, 42...was that the last count?

developing sunprints--these were so awesome!!!

marigold planting

chalk artists

ever heard of the mud handshake?  It's a UR original!

final touches on the woven fence--will it survive the summer?

spectacular teamwork created this mud mural!  when I asked to take a posed pic with the artists, they made sure each member of this small, self-initiated group was present.  THEY made sure no one was left out!  The magic of multi-age!  Shown here: 5th grader, 4th grader,  and 2 third graders

there's something so special about fresh, juicy fruit on a pitch perfect summer day!

the fence-completed!

marking this planter as roly poly territory

traditional perspective drawing of the courtyard

Best part of the day:  Sharing with families!  
Thank you so much for joining us!


future Ranger--third generation from one family!!  It's in the blood now!

The most wonderful thing about sharing our work with families--this pic says it all--PRIDE!
We are so proud of all of you!

Happy Summer!!!!

**In reference to "Bird Genius" on PBS' show NOVA, Mr. G wants to share this info for those interested--definitely worth checking out:

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