Saturday, October 18, 2014

Urban Ranger Adventure

Hello Urban Rangers!

Marigolds we planted in July!  Thank you Nathan!

Mr. G noticed these blooming furiously in the courtyard! A lovely reminder of our amazing summer in the Lincoln courtyard.  UR recently presented our program to the School Committee as we search for funding some expansion ideas.  The Committee was very supportive and offered some great resources we are exploring.

One of the things we'd like to do is start Urban Ranger Adventure days, where we meet locally and explore, create, learn together outside the courtyard.

Today we will attend the Walk Boston event on Revere Beach from 11am-2pm.  If you are planning to go, please look for us and say hello!  We will be wearing our UR shirts--please wear yours too!  

For all we were unable to reach, we hope next time to offer more notice in advance of an event, but if you can make it today, we look forward to seeing you!