Ever have a day where four hours go by in what feels like 10 minutes? That was our day today at Urban Rangers. Time just flew by, and boy, did we have fun!
We started today with a similar agenda to yesterday. Establishing a steady, consistent rhythm really helps creates an environment where all kids feel comfortable to share in the leadership and responsibility of the group. And one of the best results of a program like this is when the teacher can just focus on guiding and supporting learners (aka, teaching!), and spend little to no time managing behaviors and trying to engage students. Especially wonderful on day two!
Courtyard explorations and projects went on for a full hour before anyone even noticed an hour had passed! Here are some highlights of our morning:
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bug collecting |
exploring and discovering |
Our exploring this morning quickly led us to another grisly discovery: a freshly deceased red-breasted robin. Rangers immediately notified adults and knew not to touch the bird based on our previous dead squirrel experience. Rangers identified the bird as a robin using specific details they noticed. They hypothesized what happened to the bird and how long it had been there, since it was not there yesterday when we left. They also noticed ants all over the carcass and this presented an opportunity to revisit yesterday's discussion about the interconnected relationships within nature. The ants were doing their job in the decomposing process. Science is just much more interesting and powerful when you experience it rather than read about it in a text book. It was suggested that we bury the bird, and two Rangers dug a hole, were very careful about using tools to lift and carry the bird to it's final resting place, and covered the spot with dirt and and rocks. Wonderful, spontaneous learning moment and a touching, meaningful way to be caretakers of the courtyard.

The Rangers have already identified the "hot spots" for finding creatures in the courtyard and continued searching for inhabitants for their mini-habitats. Today we also began tallying the creatures we spotted today and will continue this data collection all week, as scientists do, to gather information on who populates the courtyard and gain a general idea of which species make up the majorities and minorities.
Other Rangers worked on a birdbath project inspired by Marcella, and building off the bird bath we created last summer in the center planter. Several Rangers joined her in this project which presents a variety of opportunities to design, problem solve, and consider the necessary ingredients for a habitat and ways to attract birds!
Nathan and Shane worked together to clear out some of the other planters so we can plant, and they also used all their might & muscle to try to save a rhododendron bush being choked to death by a killer weed. They cleared dead flowers from the bush, discussed and noticed differences in the weeds in the planters--deciding which to keep and which to pull. They also shared their own personal stories and experiences gardening, and investigated the insides of plants, the different smells and textures, and sizes of roots.

Rangers also planted some donated marigold seeds--thank you! It wasn't ideal planting time--of day or season, but my gardening style has always been to trust in Mother Nature. Things are meant to grow whether we humans follow best practices or not! We'll see what happens and definitely update the blog next week when there should be some signs of sprouts!
So ALL of this happened before anyone asked for a drink, needed to go to the bathroom, got bored, etc. It was crazy wonderful! But also time for a break, so we chatted and snacked, and took 10 minutes to nature journal. It was great timing too because as soon as we all got to a quiet spot, there were several dragonflies and birds flying over the courtyard, as if they knew we were there looking for things to observe. Rangers also enjoyed sharing their entries from the previous day.
When we finally made it inside to the art room, the focus and enthusiastic engagement continued. We transitioned with a story: Swirl by Swirl by Joyce Sidman. Beautiful illustrations and a lovely poem about the many places we find spirals in nature, such as snail shells, ocean waves, sunflowers, ferns, and sleeping animals. It was a nice transition from outside to inside, and we used spirals to make our tye dye t-shirts. Other choices in the art room were: watercolor painting, sketching, book look--which is more popular than you might think with all the other enticing choices!, and a new project inspired by Nathan and the general Pokemon fan club in the group.
Did you know that the creator of Pokemon was an avid insect lover and observer as a child, and that is where he got his idea for Pokemon?
We used that knowledge in combination with Nathan's expressed interest in learning how to identify insects to present a project for interested Rangers. They worked on Pokemon card-sized paper and a bug ID app on the ipad and books to create insect identification cards, which were then organized into plastic card sleeves. Like the birdbath, this is a work still in progress.
t-shirt spirals |
It's amazing to reflect on how much we are doing each day and all of the wonderful learning moments. We could go on and on, and on! There is so much energy, enthusiasm, curiosity, teamwork, leadership, sharing, and just plain, old, positivity in this group! Rock on, Rangers! Looking forward to another fabulous--and steamy--day tomorrow!
Be sure to check the 2014 Ranger Agenda for what's up next!
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