Calling for chickadees...chicka-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee..along the banks of Mother Brook |
Spring is slooooowly arriving here in the Boston area--yes, these cold days are daunting and depressing, but it's coming. We are seeing spring more than feeling spring, but nature never lets us down and spring is on its way!
A surprise snowstorm can't keep our Urban Rangers from birding and nature journaling with snowmen!
Skunk cabbage buried in snow. |
Skunk cabbage one week later! |
This wild goose chase led us to find..... |
Red-breasted robin tracks in the snow! |
Warm, salty breezes forced us to make an unexpected stop to walk the glistening beach and chatter with anticipation of the long, summer days ahead! |
Stay tuned for more of our sightings as we search for spring EVERYWHERE and follow us on Instagram at urbanrangers4!