Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Three years ago we were planning Urban Rangers for the first time: nature and art, outdoors and inside, and focus on inspiring active, rich learning experiences for a multi-age group of city kids.

2013-2015 Urban Rangers in the Courtyard = pure magic!

 Hope you are all excited for summer and observing and noticing our city nature treasures everywhere you go!

Monday, April 25, 2016


Calling for chickadees...chicka-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee..along the banks of Mother Brook

Spring is slooooowly arriving here in the Boston area--yes, these cold days are daunting and depressing, but it's coming.  We are seeing spring more than feeling spring, but nature never lets us down and spring is on its way!

A surprise snowstorm can't keep our Urban Rangers from birding and nature journaling with snowmen!

Skunk cabbage buried in snow.

Skunk cabbage one week later!
This wild goose chase led us to find.....

Red-breasted robin tracks in the snow!
Warm, salty breezes forced us to make an unexpected stop to walk the glistening beach and chatter with anticipation of the long, summer days ahead!

Stay tuned for more of our sightings as we search for spring EVERYWHERE and follow us on Instagram at urbanrangers4!
We have spotted rabbits all over Admiral's Hill in Chelsea.  WILD RABBITS in CHELSEA????  We saw three all together hopping around the bushes!  I have also heard from Chelsea residents that wild rabbits have been spotted around the Soldier's home area.  This is quite a treat to the Urban Ranger, who would never expect RABBITS on the loose!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Ranger Update

Urban Rangers Update

We are so pleased to announce  the Urban Rangers have been awarded a grant from Celebrate Urban Birds in association with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology!!!
(see link below)


We are in the process of planning a special Urban Ranger event for this coming spring so check back for updates!